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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Trump & Rudy: Is The Love Gone...?

"I told you to stop calling me." 

 It must suck to be Rudy Giuliani right now. Good. 

I'll never understand why he wasn't content to ride off into the sunset when he was still "America's Mayor." He could be happily living in wealthy obscurity, banging whatever chicks he'd bought tits for this week. But no. Instead he's bankrupt, disbarred, humiliated. 

For what? For his ol' buddy Donald Trump? Trump, who never calls anymore, never stops by, never even sends a text, and who now won't even pay up the measly $2 million he owes him. 

Pssst, hey Rudes? Maybe he's just not that into you anymore. Everything Trump touches dies, including you. It's time you accept it: The love is gone.  

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