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Friday, November 3, 2023

Doing Good Things For Bad Reasons Is Still Good -- Right?

Got a call from the former gig yesterday. Look, for as disastrous as that place was is, I nevertheless really cared about my program. I spent two years at that dump trying to pull it out of a nose dive, only to have them let it crash and burn after I left. Now they're begging me to come back (pro bono, natch) to train the next batch of incoming suckers. 

They're absolutely required to do this or they'll lose about a quarter mil in grant money. I spent my last months there trying to tell them this. Now they have literally no one else to call. 

Any normal person would tell them to go pound sand.  

But here's the thing. The nobler more devious side of me wants to do it. Not to save the program -- we're way past that, I'm afraid -- but to settle old scores. 

The fact is, those bitchez made my life a living hell for two years. Now? Knowing that they desperately need me (this is actually true, and it's delicious), while also knowing I'm untouchable? That I need them like I need gum in my hair? 

Fine, I'll help them. But it turns out I have a big fat mouth and a bad attitude. I've got a few things to get off my chest and few specific people who need to hear it. 

I realize this probably isn't healthy. These aren't sound motives for becoming a volunteer for any cause. But moments of full, complete and utter vindication are rare in this life. If it makes me a smaller, meaner man to admit I'm doing a good thing for bad reasons, so be it. 

I'm going to relish every minute of it.

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