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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Better Things To Do

It’s Wednesday of my 3rd week of "retirement." I’m still expecting my work phone to ring. I’m still expecting an irate volunteer to call me demanding to know why they haven’t been reimbursed yet, or some client demanding to know what happened to their SNAP application. But no, the phone has lain silent. No one there is interested in hearing from me. Their busiest season starts in two weeks.  Good luck and don’t call me. 

* * *

It was a long day yesterday, in the sense of being over-full. I went to Tai Chi in the morning (three full hours!), then my first piano lesson, and THEN two hours of IOP group after dinner. Too much for one day, but it couldn’t be helped. Today is lighter: a meeting at the club this morning, then home this afternoon. I’m still waiting for someone from work to collar me, demand to know why I’m playing hookie, why I’m not at my desk, where the monthly reports are, etc. and etc. and etc. 

Is it normal to feel guilty for the first month of retirement? The novelty of being able to go back to bed after feeding the dogs has not worn off. It’s still new to me, this spending the day doing only those things *I* want to do. 

It still feels strange not to dread my mornings. But you know what? I’ll get used to it. 

*    *    *

I’ve been into the antiquities lately. I’m finishing up a necklace this afternoon made of some very old beads. The central vignette is comprised of 5 large amazonite stones that were carved some 3,000 years ago, during the neolithic period.

These will be combined with a small collection of mostly monochrome amber and green glass from roughly the same period. I’m finishing it with Roman glass that’s more modern, from the early 1700s. 

No idea how to price this baby yet, but it’s a fairly important piece, with beads that are nicely matched in color, patina and overall age.

I'll post pics of the finished piece. There's an Etsy shop somewhere, lulz. 

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