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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Why Do Republicans Despise Working People?

 It’s a beautiful Thursday morning and I have

1. Sign up for an Old-Guy Yoga class.  

2. Sign up for Piano lessons. 

Yeah, I know how that sounds: "Old Guy Retires, Wanders Aimlessly, Decides To Go Fishing."

Shut up, all of you. 

Shut up, all of you. The J-O-B isn’t coming back. I had floated the idea of staying around part time for awhile, something low key to help ease me into the life of old-guy leisure. It doesn’t appear they’re going make that happen, so it's we're ending this career COLD TURKEY, BABY. 

I was disappointed at first (was I kinda hurt? Just a little?) but in the end I find I'm okay with this development. Idleness suits me. It turns out I don’t actually want to work anymore. I have no intention of seeking another job anytime soon. Okay, ever. 

3. Sign up for Obamacare.

I'll fit right in !  
 That last one is important. I’ll just point out that “retirement” at the age of 61 wouldn’t have been an option for me just a few years ago. That’s because prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act, there was virtually no health insurance an individual could buy on the market. 

I would have been compelled to either keep working for employer provided health insurance, or face the prospect of being uninsured until Medicare kicked in. Four years is a long time to go without healthcare coverage, particularly at this age. 

So, THANKS, Obama! THANKS, Pelosi! THANKS, Democrats! 

Meanwhile, here's a clue: If you work for a living, you have no business voting for Republicans. In fact, if you're living paycheck to paycheck and you're still voting GOP, you need to have your fucking head examined. You're welcome.   

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