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Pardon Our Mess

So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

It ain't easy stayin beautiful.

Not my teeth.

 I’m expecting a terse encounter with the Dentist this morning. About a year or so ago I finally threw in the towel on my teeth and went in for a full grill replacement. (I won't bore you with the very long and costly saga of my soft, porous teeth, but trust me: My teeth were made of chalk.) Anyway, suffice to say that I am now a proud denture wearer. 

The only saving grace is that they're the "permanent" kind that get bolted into your head, not the kind you take out to brush twice a day, and leave in a glass by your bed at night. I have some standards. 

Everything was going along swimmingly until we realized that the 5th (and last) post won’t seem to set, which is absolutely the end of the world. (And why is there a fifth post, anyway? The brochure specifically listed four.) I guess I should be happy the first four went in without a hitch. 

Anyway, I don’t know what the solution is, I just know it's somehow all my fault, because of course it is. 

UPDATE: And then, just when I'd lost all faith, the report came back that the bone is, in fact, grafting, it's just taking its good sweet time about it. They tightened my jaw back together and sent me on my way with an "attaboy!" 

Hmmm. Maybe this day isn't so terrible.


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