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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The GOP Has A Jew Problem.

Ya think...!?  

DeSantis' Nazis menacing Disney
This should come as no surprise to anyone when you have prominent figures of a political party (I'm lookin at you, GOP) using their national platforms to say and do outrageous things like this, and this, and this, and this

Here in Florida where I live, we have a short little Governor in lift-shoes who barely even pretends to disavow some of his most ardent followers. We get to see actual loud & proud nazis waving their giant flags on our street corners. 

It's well known that knee socks
will make one appear taller.
We're seeing first hand how the hate being spewed from Ron DeSantis and from GOP candidates across the country are bringing this scum out from the shit holes they typically hide in, and are parading them around in the full light of day. 

Thanks, GOP. Vile bastards all of 'em. 

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