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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Quiz: Am I A Sociopath?

Sometimes I read what I've posted here and think, Jeezus what an asshole. My former colleagues are right to hate me. And my partner? It's no wonder I'm still single, despite having lived with him for 38 years. Who would marry this? 

"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." 

Does it help that I know I'm a fucking narcissist? No, not one bit. After a lifetime pretending to be "nice," do I get any points for finally pulling the curtain back and revealing the small crabby thing that is my heart? No. No, I do not. 

But you know what? It's just going to have to be okay now, because that's just who I am. I'm a self obsessed narcissist, an endless pit of need that can never be filled, a quivering pile of neurotic defense mechanisms and contradictions. I'm not the nice guy I pretend, I am in fact just a kinder, gentler sociopath. 

Is that so bad? 

Yes, probably. But the better question is, Is it true? Granted, I've made this life all about ME, and all of my attention and focus remains ever and always focused entirely on ME, and nothing in this world is important if it doesn't directly impact ME, and I seem to care about other people only to the extent I'm wondering what they're thinking about ME, and ME and ME, ME, ME. 

Kinda like this shitty blog, come to think of it. 

There are people who tell me they don't process the world this way. Those people are liars. Scratch the surface and you'll find it's all about THEM, too. It's true of everyone. It was true of the saints. It was true of Mother Theresa. Hell, it was true of Jesus. 

Point being, I'm no better than anyone else. I'm no worse, either. 

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