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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Show Me The Money - Part Deux

Yes, it turns out.


I can't leave everyone hanging: 

Apparently "it will arrive on the first of the month" actually means "it will arrive when we're damn good and ready" actually means it will land in your account somewhere within the first 5 days of the month. Good to know.  

But it raises an interesting point: When it's time for companies to collect money, they're right on top of it. When I signed up for Obamacare a few weeks ago, the insurance company  had my cash before we'd even hung up the phone.  When it's time for companies to pay you? Tut tut now, we can't be expected to turn it around in just 10 business days, my god man have you lost your mind!? 

Funny how that works, is all I'm sayin.)   


I’m completely freaked out mildly distressed that my first-ever 401K disbursement failed to appear in my bank account yesterday as planned. 

Hallooooo, 401K people? Did we not have an hour-long phone conversation some weeks ago setting all this in motion? WHERE MY MONEY!?!?!?!  

Needless to say, I’ll be on the horn with them the minute the sun comes up to find out where they sent my hard-earned money. My newfound life of leisure ain’t any cheaper than my life as a working stiff. It’s a sad fact that you can’t sit still in this world without hemorrhaging cash. 

I have bills to pay. Show me the money.



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