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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Monday, September 9, 2024

In Which My Bead Business Booms.

 I've been stringing beads for three years, and NOW suddenly I've been discovered. A bunch of sales the last few weeks, which is great, don't get me wrong, WE LOVE SALES. But it's always a little hard to part with something I made, like I made this, so it's my baby or something. 

But then I remember that beads are expensive, at least the ones I buy, and unless I want to sink my own personal fortune into the exotic bead trade, I'd better actually... well, trade a few. My own personal fortune can't afford them without regular infusions of seed-bead money. 

Off they go then, to another nice lady in California. Apparently I'm single-handedly launching the "baby krobo" craze that's currently gripping the West coast.

There's more in the shop! 


Friday, September 6, 2024

Letting Go of My Emotional Support Beads

There’s often a bittersweet moment when some of my old beads find a buyer. By “old beads” I mean not just actual antiquities, but also strands that I’ve always really liked, but which hadn’t immediately sailed off the shelves ten minutes after I listed them with shouts for more, MORE! (Tho this has actually happened.)  

No, I’m talking about pieces that have been with me awhile. 

Once I list an item for sale, I typically put it away and forget about it until it’s summoned through the magic of Etsy.  Sometimes it’s a week. Sometimes it’s a five hundred billion years.


But every so often I’ll encounter a piece I haven’t seen in a year or longer, and it’s always like bumping into an old friend. I’ll inspect the connections, make sure the crimps haven’t slipped, that sort of thing. Every so often one of them will see daylight if I wear it somewhere. I figure it never hurts to advertise, and I’m surprised at the number of people who will comment on some of it — sometimes even favorably, lulz. 

This 3-strand set is one such item. 

From the Catalog: 

"This beautiful strand of antique mixed clay Aja Chevron beads are rare and hard to find, as distinguished from Venetian glass, and still very structurally durable at their current age and prior use. These beads were made sometime in the 1700s in Venice, Italy and traded in Wes Africa. These are 4 layers of glass that were hand cut and polished to create the beautiful chevron design. Some beads have minor pitting and small chips, but this only adds to the beauty of their very old vintage age.

Such is my madness that I concur. 

These were among my first forays into old beads. They were a bit outside my comfort zone price wise for the time, but I just had to have them. Something about the colors and the history and the oldee-age-y-antique feel of them just captivated me. This was during Covid, in that surreal and nightmarish period after my parents died, when it felt putting beads on a string was the only thing carrying me through the hours of the day: one bead, one minute at a time. .

I was smitten with these beads from the minute they arrived, and I’ve loved them ever since. I have no idea why beads, and some beads in particular, affect me this way, and I’ve stopped asking. My therapist mumbled something once about random associations and dopamine triggers, but whatever. 

Now, happy-sadly, these lovelies are off to their next home, to a discerning buyer with not only excellent taste in craftsmanship and design (ahem), but also a discerning eye for the insanely collectable bead market (who knew!?) I’ll just add, they got them for a steal. 

Off then my darlings, off with my authentic and wonderfully age-patina’d antique clay Aja Chevron beads! May you bring much joy.



Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Today's Cool Beads: Tiny Trades & Antique Chevrons

I haven't had a bead post in awhile. Here are a few things I've been working on. First up are these very cool small trade beads, including antique Venetian glass chevron beads and African sand cast painted glass. 


These small kobo-style sand cast beads from Ghana are hard to find in this size. I like the fruity (ahem) pastel colors, so I made a whole separate strand with just those. The necklace below sold on Etsy within a matter of hours, so I may get some more of these while they last. 

Beads like this were made in Italy, Africa and elsewhere and were traded as currency along the major trade routes of Europe for hundreds of years. 

These aren't that old, but the Venetian chevron beads included in the first piece are vintage, most likely from mid-20th century. 

My Wild and Completely Uninformed Speculations on the Trump Shooting

I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, and not inclined to repeat them. But I can't quite shake this idea that's been nagging at the back of my mind for awhile now. I'm not sure why the thought popped into my head, exactly, as it isn't anything I've specifically read, or that I've seen put to words in just so many words. 

But here's a question: 

What if the Trump shooting was organized by parties in his camp who knew he wasn't competent to finish the campaign much less be president, but also knew he wouldn't be able to step down because without the presidency he's very possibly looking at prison time?  

It's outlandish. Crazy talk, I know. But it would explain a few things, like why the shooter had a history at least nominal Trump supporter, and whose family I believe may have had Trump flags and guns and paraphernalia everywhere. It can be presumed that they were, at some point at least, Trump supporters.  

Most likely this has already been covered extensively elsewhere, and I'm revealing just how insular I've become. 

But given that Trump can't really even string two cogent sentences together anymore, and that more and more "respectable people" (including a growing number of Republicans) are starting to notice. It could be that the big money propping up his campaign are having a wee bit of buyer's remorse. And by "wee bit" I mean pissing their pants, and pissed off about it. 

At the same time, Trump has very few options now but to see this thing to the bitter end and pray to Orange Jeezus that he can pull it out of the nose dive.  Not only is he possibly looking at prison, but his circle of enablers is shrinking. He has few friends left now. Rudy is bankrupt and hounding him for money. Half his former entourage have either done jail time, or turned for the prosecution. Even his own daughter is trying to gracefully keep daylight between them, at least publicly.

They can't just dump him and embrace, say, a Desantis. Trump's cult won't stand for it. They're stuck with him. But if something tragic were to happen to Trump, the party could get on with killing off abortion for good and siphoning off money to the 1%. Trump would be their martyr. 

I'm just saying it doesn't sound entirely crazy to me that someone, somewhere in his camp may have decided to cut their losses and welcome in whomever would fill the sudden, and convenient, power vacuum. The Heritage Foundation could still push through their Project 2025 class project. 

And, not to put too fine a point on it, but there's precious little new information or reporting coming out on this attempt on a former president's life, even one as feckless as Trump's. 

I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing that they've tamped it down. I don't know the circumstances for why they feel silence is the most prudent option. 

I'm just saying that it's... weird. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Blog Update: Now with TAGS!

Not these tags.

Just a quick housekeeping update. In response to your relentless griping, I have finally updated tags for this dumb blog.  

This means if you're here mainly for the beads, Dear Reader, you can simply click on "Cool Beads" from the menu on the right under "What I Blog About" and it will bring up only those posts involving my cool beads. 

Or, if you're just here for my witty and insightful political commentary, just hit "Shitty Politics," and it will likewise take you there. 

"Current View" is a compendium of my deep thoughts on wherever or whatever I am at the moment -- even if my fat ass is nowhere and doing nothing. 

"Retired" is where I'm chronicling my retirement journey, lulz, such as it is, and on the flip side of that is "Worst Job EVER," which is where I'm storing my bile and PTSD from worst -- and happily LAST job I'll ever have. 

Anyway, look around and let me know if I've missed anything.