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So, everything has changed and I decided this dumb blog needed to change as well. A complete reboot, y'all. Way too much whining going o...

Monday, October 7, 2024

No, Really: They Aren't Going To Accept Defeat

They aren't going to accept defeat. There's something happening over in MAGA land that should be deeply alarming to anyone concerned about America, concerned about Democracy -- or hell, concerned about their own safety.   

MAGA is preparing for a literal civil war. They've been enabled, and coddled, and normalized, and tolerated, and accommodated to the point where they think America is their sovereign right, decreed by God.

For the last four years they've been told repeatedly that the 2020 election was stolen, that Trump is the victim of a witch hunt, that he's a genius even though he can't string two words together. 

They won't believe it if Jesus himself returns with a host of Angels and tells them to their glassy-eyed faces that Trump lost another free and fair election. They simply aren't going to accept defeat. 

Meanwhile, here's House Hall Monitor Speaker Mike Johnson refusing to acknowledge that Trump lost in 2021.  Of course he is. He's probably afraid for his life, and given how MAGA has turned on Pence, who can blame him? 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

It's gonna be a long month.


I'm sort of at the stage with this election that I don't see any more point to the screaming. Yes, yes, post your memes, get those zingers in while there's still time. But the messaging part of this campaign is over. There are no undecideds, they're all lying. 

It's all about turnout now. 

I posted some screed on FB for the "olds" a few days ago about how if you're still supporting Trump you're a fucking fascist, and for some reason, this very reasonable observation on my part led the last few evangelicals still clinging to my timeline to finally block me. 

Oh sure, we can all be expected to politely agree to disagree about whether or not the GOP thinks gay people should be imprisoned, deported or simply executed, but if I point out that you're a hateful bigot for supporting a party that wants me dead, then somehow I'm the rude one? 

Fuck all that. I'm done trying to reason with these people. I'm no longer in the persuasion business. I'm not interested in winning hearts and minds anymore. I want to crush them at the polls.  

We just need to get as many like-minded people out to vote as possible. 

Well, that and dismantle the electoral college, deploy an army of lawyers to handle the bogus legal cases already being filed, and pray like hell that the right four people on the Supreme Court are struck by lightening before then.

Because they're not going to accept defeat. There will be silliness. There will be ridiculous, blatant lies at the highest levels. There may even be blood shed. 

It would be nice if this country wasn't as stupid and feckless as I know it to be, but please, please America, surprise me in a good way for once?   


Are we still on speaking terms, or...?

 I'm trying to figure out if the comments work on this dumb blog. There was another blog once, in a galaxy far, far away, and there were days when you people would never shut up. Here? Crickets. 

Speak up, you simpering cowards. Somebody leave a snide comment to let me know I didn't flick the wrong switch when I set this place up and accidentally mute everyone. I thought we had comments for awhile there, but you've all fallen mute, undoubtedly with shock and horror at some of the completely rational shit I post around here. 

Reminder, if you don't want to wade through all the random bullshit and just want to see specific topics -- my peculiar bead obsession, for example, or how I'm aging gracelessly -- you can hit one of the handy labels at the right of your screen. 

I vehemently deny all allegations in my memoir!

I've been at a bit of a stand still on the book for two weeks, but feel like I'm finally back on track and making progress again. For the last few months it's been mostly stream of conscious word-dumping and a lot of it won't make the final cut -- but I feel like the needle finally moved a little again this week, and the words are coming again. 

I'm working from an actual chapter outline at this point, and a lot of the fodder I've just plunked down at random can now be fed into a more organized and cohesive narrative. I'm optimistic again, even if my original timeline is out the fucking window. I think it's doubtful it'll be done in time for the 30th anniversary of the OK City bombing, which is unfortunate since parts of my story are connected to those events. 

It's enough for me to be moving on it again. I'm trying not to be unkind to my mom, but the more I think about some of the dynamics of my childhood, the less flattering it seems to a parent. In fairness, I'm pretty unsparing of myself as well. 

I mean the prologue is a recounting of my DUI, ffs, and how even that horrific experience didn't stop me from eventually driving under the influence again. It's not like I come out of this tale sounding exactly heroic


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Rethinking my business model...

 Fuck it, I'm declaring this a microblog. It's just gonna be short, inscrutable posts around here from now on. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

They aren't going to accept defeat, Episode 3,547

Heard a thing on NPR a day or so ago to the effect that several deeply red states are basically implementing the same playbook as last election -- illegally suppressing votes, last minute tampering with election rules, targeted campaigns of intimidation and/or misinformation -- and doing so will the full knowledge that post-election cases will roll up to our illegally gotten and deeply criminal SCOTUS to decide the outcome.

That's the plan. They simply aren't going to accept defeat, period. America itself -- its ideals, its constitution, its laws, its people -- are completely irrelevant to these bastards.